Fleas and Why It Is So Important You Prevent Your Pet From Getting Them.

Fleas, why do you need to prevent your pet from getting them? Also fleas on humans? Is it possible?
Well, let’s go over why it is! So important to prevent fleas.

This post is part of my ‘Itchy Skin’ series so I will also explain how fleas can cause severe skin issues in some animals.

If you haven’t seen my ‘Itchy Skin’ posts you can find them here:

The start of the “Itchy Dog” Journey

Environmental allergies in pets

Food allergy and elimination trials in dogs

How over- washing your dog can cause skin issues.

So fleas what are they?

Small flightless insects that survive as external parasites on your pet.

Fleas live by consuming blood, from their hosts.

Fleas On Humans

Fleas on humans? is it possible? Well yes, it is.

However “fleas on humans” doesn’t mean they are living on humans

The type of fleas your pet gets can indeed land and bite humans, but humans can not host them.
This is due to our lack of hair.

Different types of fleas exist and I can’t cover them all in one post If you are concerned about Human Fleas check out this post here

How Does My Pet Get Fleas

The most common way is the environment. More likely from another animal they meet or have played with.

Fleas can jump from one host to another so it is easy for them to pick them up from somewhere like the dog park.

Why Is It Better To Prevent Fleas?

Prevention is best when it comes to fleas. Yet it is a struggle to get owners to comply with regular prevention treatments.

Flea treatments can be costly but nowhere near as costly as an infestation in your home.

Once a flea has landed on an animal it takes mere hours, for them to establish themselves (Lay eggs), feed, and start to breed.

Within 24 hours, your pet has established them into their and your environment.

So, the couch they lie on, the bed they sleep in, carpets they walk over and any other pets they come into contact with. Are now infested also.

Eggs and larvae will settle themselves into your household. Furnishings and carpets are infested as they begin to breed and feed on any available host.

Other pets in the household, will now also be hosting and contributing to the infestation around the home.

This is why simple prevention is better than the risk of an established infestation in your home.

How does this relate to my dog’s itchy skin?

So how does all this tie into my “Itchy Skin” Journey? If your not familiar with the multiple skin-related posts I have been releasing you can find them here:

The start of the “Itchy Dog” Journey

Environmental allergies in pets

Food allergy and elimination trials in dogs

How over- washing your dog can cause skin issues.

Flea Allergy’s

Flea allergy or Flea allergy dermatitis is the added fun when your animal is also allergic to fleas. Their saliva to be exact.

An allergy to fleas causes a more extreme reaction to them.

Extreme itchiness, rash, hair loss, skin infections, and more.

If your dog has been continuously itchy and suffering from skin issues. Fleas allergy should be investigated.

Even if you can’t find any fleas on your pet. It doesn’t take a lot for them to get exposed and a reaction to start.

Again your vet needs to be involved in figuring out if this is the cause of your dog’s skin issue.

However, simply preventing the fleas from your pet is often a way to figure out if its the cause of there itchy skin.

You keep them protected against fleas and the skin issues go away. Boom! diagnosis and treatment all in one!

How Can You Prevent A Flea Infestation?

So, how do you stop this from happening or stop your dog from having allergic reactions to them?

You can’t stop fleas or allergic reactions but you can stop them from living on your dog!

Veterinary recommended flea treatments are the best. Often over the counter options available at your general store are not strong enough and often don’t last as long as they claim.

In my experience, Bravecto is number 1. It covers not only fleas but all common external parasites that can lead to skin issues in your pet.

It is also one of the most cost-effective for what you get.
It is available in both a 3-month tablet and a 6-month spot-on treatment.

I recommended the 3-month tablet option as it has a proven (Studied/science-based evidence) claim for mites. The spot-on as far as I know does not have this yet.

At least for the first few treatments, the chew is what I would recommend, then you could move to the spot-on for convenience after you have ruled out other parasites like mites as well.

In Conclusion

Fleas on humans – Fleas can bite humans and breed in their environment. It is uncommon for humans to host fleas due to our lack of hair.

It is best to prevent and avoid a flea infestation in your home.

Prevention against fleas is a common way to treat and diagnose if your pet is allergic to fleas.

My number 1 recommendation is bravecto for flea prevention.

But please always consider Veterinary recommended flea treatments. General flea treatments available at general stores just don’t cut the mustard, in my opinion.

As always, thanks for reading.

What does a flea bite on a human look like?

Very similar to a mosquito bite.

Can fleas live in your bed?

Fleas themselves don’t live in your bed no. However there eggs and larvae do. They then hatch, grow, and find a host.

What do fleas hate?

Bravecto and other products designed to kill fleas.
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