Why Is My Cat Staring At Me? Is It Just Curiosity Or Something Else?

Cat Staring

Why is my cat staring at me?

Truth is who really knows why your cat is staring at you? Cats don’t speak our language but we are getting pretty good at understanding theirs.

A cat can stare for many reasons but I have highlighted the most obvious reasons for cat staring in this post.

So let us take a look at some theories, to why your cat is creeping you out.

Abyssinian cat

Is My Cat Staring At Me For Something?

This is the most likely cause of your cats eye stalking. Check your cat has all its basic needs met.

Food, water, clean litter tray, able to get in their favourite spot and anything else you can think to check.

Cats want to be worshipped and kept happy. They expect you to have all their needs met even before your own. So check all their favorite spot, things and necessities are in order.

Most likely you’ll find something out of place and that will be the answer.

Once you sort whatever is bothering your cat, they will hopefully settle down again.

cats are the best pets

Is My Cat Staring Because They Are Feeling Vulnerable?

A reason your cat is staring at you could be because they are feeling threatened.
Cats are smart and they realize you are their protection.

They will come to you when they are scared, anxious, hungry and sometimes in pain.

The truth is there are many reasons your cat could be feeling insecure. But here’s two examples to give you an idea of what to be looking out for.

1. New Cat – A new addition to the neighbourhood, whether it be a stray or someones new pet. This can be extremely stressful for your cat. Especially if they are coming into your cats regular space and spots.

2. Moving furniture around the house – Moving large pieces of furniture can stress a cat or cause confusion. Cats don’t particularly like change. So anything you change annoys them.

Its something that simple, that can throw your cat into a whirlwind of uncertainty.

Try to make changes minimal. talk to neighbours about set times outside and inside so your cat can get used to a new cat being around via smell rather than meeting them face to face.

This isn’t always possible but if you can gradually introduce a new cat into the environment it will be less stressful for your cat.

Devon rex

Is Curiosity Causing My Cat To Stare At Me?

The old phrase “Curiosity killed the cat”. Yes, your cat could be staring at you because you fascinate them.

Your cat after all doesn’t have a lot else to do with their day. They may enjoy watching you flurry about doing house work and chores simple because they can.

If the weather outside is grim and they don’t feel like sleeping then you are their version of TV, Reality TV in a way haha

Cats are indeed very curious and you are their person. So staring at you entertains them.

Perhaps feel honoured your cats find you that amusing. No matter how creepy your cats staring is.

To Sum Things Up.

Who really knows why your cat is staring? there are a lot of reasons your cat is staring at you.

However, checking off a few of these ideas might put a stop to it. Also knowing you’ve checked your cats vital needs can help you relax that it’s nothing serious.

If your concerned your cats staring is because they are in pain, don’t hesitate to involve your vet.

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Best Cat Breed For Your Star Sign. 12 Zodiac Matches.

cat breed for every zodiac
Best Cat Breed

We all enjoy a good horoscope reading, so why not let the stars decide the best cat breed for you.
Take a look and see which breed your most compatible with.

Aquarius – British Blue
January 20th to February 18th

British Blue Cat

A British blue is the perfect companion for an Aquarius. You like your downtime and care about your privacy.

A British Blue is a playful, affectionate, and fiercely loyal companion.
They will always be up for downtime with their special person (you)

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Top 5 Cat Breeds

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Best cat breed for you via the stars

Pisces – Burmese
February 19th – March 20th

black cat cat cat eyes couch 7470

Pisces and Burmese are a perfect match, You are hard-working and tend to be emotionally closed off. What better than to come home to a cat that won’t want to leave your side! Burmese are extremely affectionate and want nothing more than to climb into your skin!
When you’re not feeling like telling humans how your feeling, your Burmese will always be around waiting.

Best Dog Breed For Your Zodiac.

Top 5 Cat Breeds

2020’s Top Dog Breeds

Aries – Siamese
March 21st – April 19th

Siamese cats kissing

Siamese were treated as royalty by the Egyptians, they know how to make sure all their needs are met first. They are both smart and playful. Siamese tend to bond particularity to one person, but remain friendly and sociable with others. They are a great match for Aries the star sign, both playful but self-sufficient.

Best cat breed for you via the stars

Taurus – Maine Coon
April 20th – May 20th

Maine Coon cat

Taurus the strong zodiac, a Maine coon is a great match. These guys look fierce due to their sheer size, but in reality, they are gentle giants! Some say even dog-like. A Main coon is loyal, loving, and big! So plenty to cuddle and snuggle with.

Gemini – Scottish Fold
May 21st – June 20th

Scottish Fold Cat

Ah Gemini, you need a cat that can keep up with your wit, but also knows how to be silly. A Scottish fold is considered one of the most intelligent cat breeds. Also known for their folded ears, they are very affectionate but not overbearing. Some say they have an owl like appearance and are easily trained.

Cancer – Ragdoll
June 21st – July 22nd

Rag doll Cat

Cancer you like your quality time with close friends, or family. You love time at home, its where you’re most comfortable. Which is why a Ragdoll will work well with your lifestyle.
Ragdolls are almost more dog than cat! they are so devoted to their owners and some even say in tune to humans emotions. There social enough to want to interact with your close friends but you will always be their number 1. Don’t worry a Ragdoll is still more than capable of taking care of themselves they won’t be overbearing.

Leo – Birman
July 23rd – August 22nd

Birman Cat

Known as the friendliest cat they are perfect for the most social star sign. You will both enjoy being in the limelight and strutting your stuff together.
Birman easily adapt to new homes and tend to make great friends with dogs or children. They are playful and charismatic just like a Leo.

Best Cat Breed For Your Star Sign.

Best Dog Breed For Your Zodiac.

Top 5 Cat Breeds

2020’s Top Dog Breeds

Virgo – Abyssinian
August 23rd to September 22nd

Abyssinian cat

Most intelligent cat, for the most intelligent zodiac. Abyssinians are active, affectionate and curious. They love to climb and be part of the family. They are the perfect cat for a perfectionist.
They are incredibly agile and will love to spend time in the garden with you.

Libra – Persian
September 23rd to October 22nd

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A Libra and Persian are both charmingly sweet. Your both easy going peace makers. It takes a lot to wind you up. A Persian is calm and won’t mess with you’re love for balance.
They are not the type of cat to shred your furniture or mess up your organized home.

Scorpio – Balinese
October 23rd to November 21st

Balinese Kittens

Know as the most affectionate of cats. Balinese and Scorpio will get on like a house on fire. Both of you are intelligent, agile, athletic and loving.
Your Balinese won’t hesitate to let you know what they are thinking as they love talking.

Sagittarius – Bengal
November 22nd to December 21st

Bengal Cat

Sagittarius, you need an adventurous cat to keep up with your “go, go, go” personality. What better than a loud and mischievous Bengal.
Bengals have personality’s that stand out from the crowd, as does their striking appearance.

Capricorn – Devon Rex
December 22nd to January 19th

Devon rex

Mysterious and standoffish, you don’t like being the centre of attention. Your trust circle is small but once your in, the love and loyalty never ends.
You and a Devon Rex can hunker down in front of a warm fire together.

Liked Best Cat Breed For Your Star Sign? Make sure to check out:

Best Dog Breed For Your Zodiac.

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2020’s Top Dog Breeds

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The Cat is the fourth animal symbol in the 12-year cycle of the Vietnamese zodiac

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Ricky Ticky Tabby

Ever wondered why a cat stares at you?

Also, find the best breed for you via your zodiac sign
See what Breed matches your star sign best

photo of tabby kitten lying on orange basket 1056252

Riff Raff








Cats sleeping

See luxury items for your cat here




















Cats are the best pets























Double O’Seven










Cats Are The Best Pets To Have And 15 Reasons To Explain Why

Cats are the best pets to have.
They are amazing for so many fun reasons. However, I couldn’t make this post an essay about cats! So instead I have compiled my favorite 15 things to explain why.

Take a look below to see why and learn some fun facts about cats = )

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #1 – They’re Excellent companions

Cat snuggles are the best! It is also the most convenient excuse for not getting up off the couch. If you are looking for company cats are a great choice!

best pets to have

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #2-
They’re Super Clean!

Cats groom themselves, They smell-less, and cats are a cleaner pet to have around the home, win-win!
This is one of the many reasons to get a cat.

Cat kneading blanket

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #3 –
They’re Easy To Maintain.

Are cats easy pets? Yes! They’re great at exercising and entertaining themselves. Happier to be left alone and with the added clean factor! low maintenance is their middle name.

cute cat staring

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #4 –
They Prefer To Observe Guests From Afar.

Unlike other pets (cough, cough!) Dogs, cats will not rush at your guests or try humping their leg. Instead, a cat will hang back and decide if your guest is worthy of their attention.

Cat with crown

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #5 –
They Generally Live Longer.

Having a cat can mean more time together.
With an average life span of 15 years, cats tend to stick around longer compared to other common house pets.

Bengal cat

Cat Are The Best Pets To Have #6 –
They can hear and smell while they’re sleeping.

How cool is that!! I mean come on, no explanation needed. Its just epic on its own.
I hope by now having a cat as a pet, is high on your to do list.

Cats yawning and sleeping

Like this make sure to check out the Top 5 cat breeds while your here:

Cat Are The Best Pets To Have #7 –
Ideal For Living In Apartments

Cats are perfect for keeping your neighbors happy. As they’re a quiet pet, and happy to entertain themselves. Cats make great apartment flat-mates.

cute cat staring up at camera

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #8 –
Help Prevent Allergies In Children.

Studies have shown that if exposed from a young age. Children are less likely to develop allergies to cats.

Also having one in the house help teach them how to take care of a cat, it is a great life experience for a child.

Siamese cats kissing

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #9 –
They Exercise Themselves

When able cats are happy to use a kitty door and exercise themselves.
How can you not be convinced cats are the best!!

Maine-coon in the snow

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #10
No Going To Work Guilt Needed.

No need to feel guilty, cats are more than happy to be bored. They will happily sleep up to 15 + hours a day!

Cat laying on belly looking cute

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #11 –
They Groom Themselves

No grooming bills, cats clean themselves. Saving you precious $$ and an added bonus they smell less than other popular house pets.

Admittedly the longer-haired breeds do need a bit of brushing.

Two Cats Grooming Eachother

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #12 –
Supposedly Better For The Environment.

They are apparently a more eco-friendly pet to have in your house. This being said some research has stated both cats and dogs still have an equal carbon footprint to a car!!

white and grey kitten smelling white daisy flower 1472999

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #13 –
Easy To Potty Train.

Training a kitten to do there business in a litter tray is easy.
Cats like to be clean and private. So potty training can be a breeze with all the right conditions set in place.

cat laying in basket

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #14 –
Help Keep Your Property Pest Free.

Its known that cats like to hunt. If your looking for a way to keep the rodents away cats are once again are an awesome choice.

grey and white long coated cat in middle of book son shelf 156321 1

Cats Are The Best Pets To Have #15 –
There adorable purring is also therapeutic.

Research show cats purring while sitting on their owners lowers blood pressure. Therefore making cats good for your health also!

Cat holding a sign

Need I say no more, 15 reasons was already more than enough to prove that cats are in fact the best pet!
I know dog lovers will probably never agree, but can’t blame a girl for trying ; )

As always, thanks for reading

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Moving With Pets Is Difficult, 6 Great Tips Make It Easy

Moving with pets, if they have never had to leave home before it could be an ordeal for them. Here are some tips to help you get your pet ready for moving day.

Moving with pets

Pets can be stressed over moving just like people. How can you tell? Your pet may refuse to eat or be more nippy than usual to you and others.

Recognize these signs and try to keep your pet calm. Take breaks and play with them. Leave their belongings until last in your packing so they can have something familiar around them.

Here are some more tips to help you go from point A to point B, when moving with pets.

Moving With Pets Tip #1 –
Change Identification

You will have a new address and your pet’s collar (if applicable) needs to reflect that. If they getaway at a stop or run loose as you haul boxes in at your new place, you want those who find him to be able to find you. Include your cell phone number.

Moving With Pets Tip #2 –
Buy A Pet Carrier

You will have a new address and your pet’s collar (if applicable) needs to reflect that. If they getaway at a stop or run loose as you haul boxes in at your new place, you want those who find him to be able to find you. Include your cell phone number.

Bulldog in car window

Moving With Pets Tip #3 –
Visit or Talk With Your Vet

Some pets get motion sick. If your pet has never left home you might not be sure, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Get medication for it just in case. The vet can also suggest ways to calm your pet on long rides.

Moving With Pets Tip #4 –
Make frequent stops on the trip

Pets can get just as restless as children. Make regular stops at rest areas to stretch your legs and to give your pet a bathroom break. They can work off some nervous energy from being pent up in the car.

Lady Kissing dalmation

Moving With Pets Tip #5 –
Keep them comfortable

Put a familiar blanket and toy in the pet carrier so your pet will feel at home. Look in the door so that they can also see that you are still with him.

Moving With Pets Tip #6 –
Plan your sleeping arrangements on the trip.

All hotels are not “pet friendly.” Find areas where you can keep your pet with you in the room.

This way you don’t have to drive all night or leave your pet in the car overnight. In hot areas, pets have been known to die from heat exhaustion in cars.

Keep pet safe as you move – Tie your pet up in the yard or on the porch while you move in. Afterward, let them walk around the house and get comfortable with their new surroundings.

That concludes Moving with pets.
As always, Thanks for reading.

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The top 5 cat breeds from around the world and what we like about them.

cat breeds

Thinking of getting a cat or just curious to see if your favorite cat breeds are in the top 5!
With so many people choosing to have a cat as a pet, I felt it was a good idea to put some information on the top 5 cat breeds from around the world and what we like about them.
Check out the top 5 list below = )

1. Siamese

A vocal breed originating from Thailand. The Siamese is a beautiful breed and their coats can be an incredible range of colours
Hundreds of years ago, Siamese cats were treasured by royal families in Thailand because of their distinctive, unusual, and beautiful appearances.
Like their families, they were in a temple and being pampered by monks and priests. It’s no wonder they are at the top of the 5 breeds from around the world!

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2. Persian

Known as the flat-faced breed, Persian’s are fluffy balls of fun. Their long thick coats require regular grooming and maintenance.
This breed has been in the top 5 breeds for decades and won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
They come in many colours and have a loving cuddly personality.

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3. Maine Coon

These guys are a large breed and one of my personal favourites.
Don’t let their size intimidate you, Main-coons are the gentlest of giants and have an impressively thick fluffy coat. They are fierce hunters in almost all conditions and interestingly also have a tendency to grow extra toes!

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4. Ragdoll

Another personal favourite and if only up to me they would be at the top of the best cat breeds.
Their gorgeous blue eyes get me every time, some would say this breed is more like a dog than a cat.
These very affectionate, and semi-long coat fluff balls are great for a family.
Looking like a longer haired siamese its no wonder they are so popular.

Rag doll Cat

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5. Bengal

If you are wanting a cute, calm cuddly cat then the Bengal is not for you. These guys not only look wild but have a lot of energy!
Again another vocal breed also. Their beautiful patterns make them stand out from the rest. Let me tell you there is never a dull day with a Bengal in the house ; )

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There we have it the top 5 cat breeds from around the world and what we like about them. No matter the breed all cats are amazing pets.
If you are looking at adding a new furry addition to your family please also consider going to your local SPCA or Shelter and giving an abandoned cat an amazing home = )

As always thanks for reading