Month 5 Latest Blogging News

Hello again everybody, another month done and dusted. Can’t believe its been 5 months already. Well here’s my latest blogging news.

After last months disaster of being put in Pinterest jail and having my traffic slashed almost entirely. This month has been all about clawing my way back.

blogging news
Blogging News

Blogging News – Month 5 – Coming Back From The Dead.

So gradually, I have managed to get a steady stream, of traffic back, and again mostly from Pinterest Sigh!

SEO is finally happening it is slow were talking 7 visits through SEO but I’ll take anything I can get.

Facebook is also growing but very slow, I get a small amount of traffic now but I will continue to work at it.

Instagram I’m still figuring out, I get a lot of hearts/likes, and followers. However, I’m not sure how much traffic/engagement I’m actually getting out of it.

Dog Skin Lumps

The Traffic Is Back But I Still Have My Struggles.

I’m back at work now pretty much full time + I have two small children.

Keeping up with new blog content, social media, Pinterest and analysing SEO, Analytics, and search console. Well it’s been a push.

However, I’m still here trying = ) and still loving it.

Financially there isn’t really much to talk about its still very low/non-existent.

Ads make next to nothing and I have been trying affiliate marketing for a while now.

I need to search out some cool niche products. I am looking into printables and creating my own e-book/courses.
This will all take time though so I don’t see the financials improving for a while.

Blogging News – On The Bright Side

This post is sounding a bit depressing so lets finish it with the months highs!

Despite the increased time pressure im still producing content and loving it.

I am helping pet owners across the globe especially with skin. It feels so rewarding to be achieving pretty much the main goal of this blog to help pet owners.

I truly feel I will crack this blogging business I’m very determined and I really want this to work as its something I enjoy.

I would love to help pet owners more.

So increasing my traffic, content and financials will help me continue to grow this.

I have focused more on writing about what i want to write about. I fell into a bit of a trap of writing SEO subjects to get traffic and grow.

To be honest id rather go this the slow way and grow knowing im creating good content.

Blogging for money how the first month went for a complete newbie.

To Sum It All Up

Wrapping up Month 5’s Blogging news..

I’m still here tapping away, researching and learning this online blogging business world.

As much as id hoped to create a solid following by now with a steady income to cover my costs, I’ve realized its just takes a lot longer than they say on those ‘make money blogging posts’

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